Triumph Bonneville Royals
Bruce H. in Conneticut, USA.
Comments from Bruce.
I finally got my Bing/Amals sorted courtesy of Bing in Kansas, and the bike runs well. Just got off of it a few minutes ago. The Bings were never jetted correctly (to meet US epa regulations) The carbs are original and I want to keep the bike as original as possible, so I spent about $ 650 getting the carbs rebuilt and rejetted by Bing. Runs better than it ever did now. Bruce Hunt.
My Royal is still running beautifully and just turned 8700 miles. Took a long time to get the Bings sorted and working correctly. My Royal is all stock and mostly original. The exceptions being new Dunlop tires and a correct repaint by Don Hutchinson Cycle. Don also replaced alot of wear items and has provided many replacement parts. He does not stock any Bing parts, but if your bike still has Bings parts are available from their facility in Kansas.
CLICK HERE to see more pictures of Bruces bike.

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